Department of Spectrum Management

Spectrum management department is a highly technical department with the mandate to ensure the judicious management of radio frequency spectrum to ensure its equitable utilization by the various radio communication services. The department on behalf of the Ministry manages the spectrum for government establishments and private non-commercial wireless communications applications.

Key Function

  • Management of Radio Frequency Spectrum which includes:
    • Licensing of radio frequency stations and radio communication systems for government and its agencies, Diplomatic Missions, Radio Armature, Maritime, Aeronautical and private radio frequency users;
    • Routine and regular monitoring of radio frequency spectrum to detect illegal users and to ensure strict compliance with national and international standards and specifications in order to minimize harmful interference by users; International collaboration and cooperation on radio spectrum monitoring to identify and eliminate cross boarder harmful interferences
    • Inspect premises where there are radiocommunication installations as well as survey of radio installations on ships and aircrafts to ensure that all the non-commercial operators of radio communication equipment are dully licensed to operate
    • Type Approval Testing and Measurements of equipment parameters to ensure technical compliance Radio frequency planning and update of the radio frequency master register and Radio Frequency notification to ITU
  • Initiate, formulates, and advises government on policy framework for radiocommunication sector.
  • The department provides Secretariat of National Frequency Management Council (NFMC) which is the apex body in radio frequency spectrum management in the country. The Council has Membership drawn from relevant stakeholders in the use of Radio Frequency and satellite orbital slots.
  • Coordinate and liaise nationally with all stakeholders in the use of radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbital resources. Such organizations and stakeholders are: NCC, NBC, NIGCOMSAT, NASRDA, etc.
  • The Department serves as focal point and represents Nigeria Administration in the activities of international organizations that deal with radio frequency and satellite orbital resources issues. They are; the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Commonwealth Telecommunication Organization (CTO), African Telecommunication Union (ATU), International Telecommunication Satellite Organization (ITSO) and Regional Satellite Communication Organization (RASCOM), etc.

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