Procedure For Obtaining/Applying Radio Frequency Station Licences

All forms and documents for submission must be in duplicate copies as one copy would be forwarded to the Department of State Services (DSS) for Security Clearance.

A license is assigned within one month (four weeks) from the date of submission of the request under normal circumstances.

The forms are purchased at a cost of 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira) and made payable through any deposit money bank preferably any branch of:

UBA Bank Plc

Account Name:

Ministry of Communication Technology

Account Number:


  1. Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation of Business.
  2. Current Tax Clearance Certificate.
  3. Breakdown of Proposed Network.
  4. Radio Equipment/Antenna Brochures.
  5. Antenna Cable Characteristics.
  6. Letter of Introduction from (the Ministry’s Registered) Equipment Dealer.
  7. Brief Profile of the Organization (Application).


  1. Private Radio Frequency Station Licence Spectrum Pricing
  2. Download and Complete FORM 1
  3. Download and Complete FORM 2
  4. Download and Complete FORM DSS-FC-1

Additional Requirement For Ship Stations

  1. Photocopy of Vessel’s Registration.
  2. Photocopy of Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency for:
    • Call Sign
    • MMSI No. Allocation
  3. Ship Radio Survey Certificate issued by the Ministry or licensed ship radio surveyor
  4. Equipment Brochure of Radio on Board Ship.
  5. Download and complete Additional FORM 10A

Additional Requirement For Aircraft Stations

  1. Photocopy of Aircraft Registration & Certificate of Airworthiness.
  2. Equipment Brochure of Radio on Board Aircraft.
  3. Download and complete Additional FORM 10B

Additional Requirement For Amateur Stations

  1. Introduction letter from NARS.
  2. Photocopy of NARS membership certificate.
  3. Photocopy of International passport (where applicable).
  4. Residential permit (where applicable).
  5. Download and complete Additional FORM 0061

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